Patreon Announcement

NonCensored will return next week with a brand new episode, but ahead of that, here are Harriet Langley-Swindon and Rosie Holt to announce our Patreon. We would dearly love to be able to pay our brilliant guests for their time, and we will be making EXCLUSIVE bonus content for those of you who can support us in doing that. Find us at and thank you in advance if you can help us out. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

You can’t say anything any more - and here to prove it is Harriet Langley-Swindon, with a round of all the best bits of her weekly radio show on a national network that can’t be named for legal reasons. Absolutely Non-Censored [subs please check capitalisation and hyphen] from beginning to end, with all the rubbish edited out. Each week, Harriet will chat through the segments with producer Martin, and we’ll be getting a Hot & Spicy Take Of The Week from resident comedian Eshaan Akbar who was hired because he was funny and not any other reason. NonCensored is created by award-winning comedians Rosie Holt, Brendan Murphy & Eshaan Akbar..