Nodes of Design#17: Service Design

Nodes of Design - A podcast by Tejj


Hey Everyone! Thanks for tuning into another episode of nodes of design on this weeks episode - I have discussed on the Service Design as you guys requested and thru out the episode, I had talked on service design its components, service facings and the five essential principles of service design with examples focusing on some possible services that we all might have used, like posting a letter or withdrawing money from the bank. I had recommended a great read at the end of the episode that will make you even very well versed with the world of service design. So stay tuned, and I hope you learned something new & insightful. Thank you for listening to this episode of Nodes of Design. This podcast is available on all the major podcast platforms, so follow and stay tuned to hear from many more industry leaders to share their subject expertise. If this episode helped you to understand and learn something new, please share and be a part of the knowledge-sharing community. This podcast aims to make design education accessible to all as knowledge shouldn't hide behind paywalls. Feedback and suggestions are welcome. If you want to come over on the show and speak and support our cause of making design education accessible, please reach out to me @tejt3j on twitter as your knowledge will help someone to learn or know something new.

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