021 - Generalisations in NLP

Generally speaking, generalisations are everywhere. Learn this and begin to spot generalisations in NLP. Generalisations are one of the fundamental pieces of the Meta-model. With already took a deep dive into distortions which you can find here and also the question, what is the Meta-model and you can find that here too. Generalisations generally occur whenever a person generalises specific information. So much of the Meta-model helps us navigate what we do daily. The Metamodel and the three fundamental pieces are a way for us to get to the heart of the real issue or understand what is the person is aiming to communicate.

Om Podcasten

NLP in Action is a 10 minute practical guide to NLP by Mike Sweet, The 10 Minute Coach. Each of the episodes is aimed to give you an insight into the world of NLP. Since the 1970's NLP has come a long way and is now adopted into the business and professional worlds as its ethos, techniques and processes have proven themselves over time. NLP is without doubt, an art-form. It's all about flexibility and finding new possibilities. I wonder what you'll discover?