004 - Getting What You Want

This is Episode 004 of the NLP In Action podcast. Technically this is directly related to NLP but it's something that needs to be understood from the get go. Now as you start to listen you'll hear things like Reticular Cortex and such like. Do not be put off by these. It gets interesting as we go along. You'll find out a crucial part of you neurology and how you can begin to operate your brain more effectively. 

Om Podcasten

NLP in Action is a 10 minute practical guide to NLP by Mike Sweet, The 10 Minute Coach. Each of the episodes is aimed to give you an insight into the world of NLP. Since the 1970's NLP has come a long way and is now adopted into the business and professional worlds as its ethos, techniques and processes have proven themselves over time. NLP is without doubt, an art-form. It's all about flexibility and finding new possibilities. I wonder what you'll discover?