I Indie Hacked a $1M/Yr. App Idea in a Weekend

Niche Pursuits Podcast: Find Your Next "Niche" Business Idea! - A podcast by Spencer Haws: NichePursuits.com


What does it take to build a million-dollar business? Just ask Dawson Botsford, the developer behind Earnifi. Dawson is a crypto entrepreneur who leveraged a unique opportunity in the space and turned it into a highly profitable company. He built it in a day, started out with no following, and used some counterintuitive strategies to grow his audience. In this fascinating interview, Dawson tells the story behind building his business, “an overnight success 10 years in the making.”  Links & Resources Earnifi Starter Story episode  Twitter  Github  Ready to join a niche publishing mastermind, and hear from industry experts each week?  Join the Niche Pursuits Community here: https://community.nichepursuits.com Be sure to get more content like this in the Niche Pursuits Newsletter Right Here: https://www.nichepursuits.com/newsletter Want a Faster and Easier Way to Build Internal Links?  Get $15 off Link Whisper with Discount Code "Podcast" on the Checkout Screen: https://www.nichepursuits.com/linkwhisper Get SEO Consulting from the Niche Pursuits Podcast Host, Jared Bauman: https://www.nichepursuits.com/201creative

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