Google RECOVERY! August Core Update Results...

Niche Pursuits Podcast: Find Your Next "Niche" Business Idea! - A podcast by Spencer Haws:


This week Spencer and Jared are at it again, breaking down the latest news items in the SEO world, sharing their progress with their side hustles, and analyzing some weird niche sites. The big news this week is that the August Google Core Update has finally finished rolling out, after 19 days, and overall it was a pretty impactful update.  they talk about a site that Google has shown considerable favor to in recent times: Reddit. The last news item is again about Google, and how the antitrust trial is targeting its digital ad business.  In the end, he gave that page away as part of a contest to a new member of his exclusive Niche Pursuits Community, where growing a Facebook page is the main focus for members for the next 6 weeks.  A recent guest on the Niche Pursuits Podcast. He also talks about his side hustle on Medium, also inspired by another podcast guest Spencer shares the interesting story of how he came to find Cool Works Jared then shares I Got Standards, Bro Ready to join a niche publishing mastermind, and hear from industry experts each week?  Join the Niche Pursuits Community here: Be sure to get more content like this in the Niche Pursuits Newsletter Right Here: Want a Faster and Easier Way to Build Internal Links?  Get $15 off Link Whisper with Discount Code "Podcast" on the Checkout Screen: Get SEO Consulting from the Niche Pursuits Podcast Host, Jared Bauman:

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