Updates from the 2023 World Farmers Organisation General Assembly, in South Africa

NFU President Minette Batters recorded the episode earlier this week from the 2023 World Farmers Organisation General Assembly, in South Africa. Minette explains how the event brings together farmers, politicians, academics, and institutions from across the world to discuss topics such as food security, climate change, trade and more.Minette also recaps on the launch of the NFU Food, Farming and Hospitality report and the importance of the Out of Home market.https://www.nfuonline.com/updates-and-information/watch-now-your-weekly-vlog-from-the-president/

Om Podcasten

As the voice of British agriculture, the National Farmers Union (NFU) is always making sure it's ahead of the curve when it comes to farming headlines, information and guidance. The brand-new podcast, NFU Talk, is dedicated to unpicking the detail of the hot topics affecting agriculture, with expert insight from the NFU's farming specialists.