News From Where We Are #4 - The Radical Friendship series

News From Where We Are - A podcast by Furtherfield


Welcome to Furtherfield's cultural podcast grounded in news from where we are. We may be experiencing all kinds of restrictions on our lives due to the pandemic, but we still have access to thriving networked cultures from around the world. And this podcast is dedicated to the collaborative-imaginative fieldwork of artists, techies, and activists informing how we organise, imagine and build solidarity, good health and post-capitalist realities. Working together and supporting others to do the same. In 2021 we celebrate 25 years of radical friendship at Furtherfield. We revisit and open up conversations with some of the fascinating and radical people with whom we have worked and collaborated through the years from the Internet to post-digital contexts. They are changing culture, their lives, and the lives of their communities. We are interested in unearthing an ecological economy, relational understanding, and lived lives, alongside survival strategies, critical thinking and grassroots systems of peer and individual engagement, as part of the art context. We are examining power and how lives get lived, on whose terms. In this episode, we are excited to bring you two excellent interviews by new media art critic and writer Filippo Lorenzin. The first with the pioneering artist Auriea Harvey about her new bodies of work - sculptures using digital processes and handwork to create physical artefacts and virtual spaces. The second interview is with artist Morehshin Allahyari about how her work deals with the political, social, and cultural contradictions we face every day. Net art historian Josephine Bosma and artist, curator and thinker Baruch Gottlieb engage in a Post-Most talk, a playful theoretical conversation exploring the pros and cons of the use of the prefix 'post', in terms such as post-modern, post-digital etc. As always these mind-expanding conversations are interspersed with special guest appearances of the finest experimental noisemakers and music, which includes: AGF (poemproducer), the new single 'California Ideology' by Eryk Salvaggio's electro band, The Organizing Committee, and a short soundscape by ‘People Like Us’. Image: Fauna by Auriea Harvey, Sculpture, 3d printed plaster and bronze, clay, natural fossil, paint.

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