Ask Me Anything #7 with Emily Kircher-Morris

What are the limits of IQ tests and scores? How can someone best advocate for gifted-affirming education for a 2e student? Why do some kids consider their neurodivergent diagnoses as failures, and how can we change that? What can we do about bullying? Plus many more questions and answers. This is episode 209, and it’s another Ask Me Anything with Emily Kircher-Morris. To be part of it, join us on Facebook in The Neurodiversity Podcast Advocacy & Support Group! Also, registration for the Neurodiversity University Educator Hub is now open, and only for a limited time! If you’re a teacher, you definitely need to check into joining this community of educators from around the world, who are learning and sharing ways to embrace neurodiversity in the classroom. It’s hosted and moderated by Emily Kircher-Morris, and features expert guests, roundtable forums, continuing education material and much more. The deadline to register is soon, so sign up and join us!

Om Podcasten

The Neurodiversity Podcast talks with leaders in the fields of psychology, education, and beyond, about positively impacting neurodivergent people. Our goal is to reframe differences that were once considered disabilities or disorders, promote awareness of this unique population, and improve the lives of neurodivergent and high-ability people.