Ep. 139: Meeting Pasquino
Nerd's Domain presents Masks of Nyarlathotep - A podcast by Nerd's Domain
In this episode, our spies deal with a crazed member of the party and have him sent back to America. Then there are oak leaves and statues galore. Starring George Chimples as Carlos Aguirre Aznar - Scarred former Spanish pilot Phil Durham as Brian Blake - Soldier of the Church Rob Walker as Astor Fournier - French Intelligence Shirley Niedzwiecki as Evelyn October - Student of the occult and Matt Quiett as the Keeper Find us: nerdsdom.com @nerdsdomain facebook.com/nerdsdomain patreon.com/nerdsdomain teepublic.com/user/nerdsdomain Find more podcasts like this at southgatemediagroup.com