Your BOD with Saint Germain

Saint Germain, the avatar of this Age of Aquarius has called you by name to be here at this crucial time of moving into your Spiritual Freedom. Your very life lifts the world through this time of turmoil and chaos. In this age of Spiritual Partnership, it’s time for you to start having regular meetings with your Board of Directors. “You came with an entourage of Angels, Devas, Guides, Elementals, Dragons, Unicorns, Mentors, Sponsors, and a medical team to support your journey. This team is within your DNA.” ~ Saint Germain In this Morning Light Meditation, Saint Germain gently leads you through the process that will help you begin or fine tune your BOD meetings. Jennifer has been having BOD meetings with her team regularly for over a decade. It helps her move quickly into her sacred mission. It is the reason the Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy and all her creative endeavors flow so beautifully. The music today is by Michael Gayle. It’s called Down Stream. Saint Germain is the reason we study Abundance and Ascension at the Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy. Come join us.

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