Sacral Chakra Healing

Morning Light Meditations - A podcast by jenniferruthrussell - Saturdays

Our sacral chakras have had a rough ride since the sinking of Atlantis. At that time, we decided the masculine energy would be dominant on Earth. This chakra holds our sexuality and all our relationship pain, memories, and angst of the sexes.  It’s time to release the old misuse of the masculine and absence of the feminine.  As we lift it into its 5th dimensional potential, this chakra becomes a beautiful shimmering translucent pink.  It is a center of transcendent love and sexuality. This meditation is a mini version of our sacral chakra healing from Sanctuary, including the song, Om Mani Padme Hum, that will help you stay calibrated and in a state of Grace. As we consciously open our 12 chakras into their 5th dimensional potential it allows the full spectrum of our spiritual gifts and divine faculties to open. It brings our Beloved I AM Presence into ITS perfect alignment of being the dominant Presence in our lives. The Creative Power of the Universe is waiting for your choice and direction.  It's time to command the Light through the power of your word. Join us for Empowered Prayer Lab. You’ll find the info and registration right here. If this podcast supports you, please keep it going by fueling it with your financial support.  Any amount is appreciated.

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