Light Presence with Saint Germain

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” ― Albert Einstein If we are seething in anger and trying to justify by pointing our fingers at who’s wrong and who’s right, we can’t be used by the Light.  We are contributing to the problem.   My heart has been breaking over what we are still doing to each other. I'm allowing myself time to cry.I'm being guided to practice forgiveness for all wars and the trauma that they created, not only for humans but for nature (who hold so much of the trauma for us) as well.   Our job is to do our best to be an open channel for the light. I keep hearing the phrase, MASTER-UP. This is why we are here at this time to go forward and to use the powerful Christ Presence within, the I AM Presence, to send Light into the darkness.   In today’s Morning Light Meditation Saint Germain, the Avatar for this Age of Divine Justice and Freedom, will be taking us through a Light filled meditation today.    Not only will you be left feeling elated and renewed, but you’ll be also ready to direct the Light to heal the world.   “Light is the Supreme Perfection and Control of all things. Contemplation and adoration of the ‘Light’ compels illumination to take place where you direct It.” ~ Saint Germain The book, Unveiled Mysteries by Godfre Ray King contains this beautiful instruction from the Avatar of the Aquarian Age, Saint Germain. This meditation inspired a song, I AM a Child of the Light, The music beneath this meditation is called Light Child, composed by Jennifer. If this podcast supports you spiritually, your donation is welcome.  

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