Lady Portia

Morning Light Meditations - A podcast by jenniferruthrussell - Saturdays

This is going to be an amazing year. Beloved Lady Portia, the Goddess of Justice and Opportunity, the Queen of Heaven, the twin flame of Saint Germain, the spokesperson for the Karmic Board is our sponsor for 2022. What does that mean? Divine Justice will be established on Earth. Justice is not revenge, it is balance. Justice is the mercy and compassion that is required to bring everything into balance. Lady Justice is blindfolded so she can keep her focus on the Immaculate Concept of this planet.  Seeing us only in total balance, having completely transmuted all injustice by the overwhelming and amazing Love of the Divine. In today’s Morning Light Meditation Lady Portia is helping us transmute all fear. Especially the fear of injustice and all the injuries that we have experienced due to prejudice and inequality. Michael Gayle’s song, J J Blue is perfect for today’s meditation. You’ll find it on his Highway CD. Sign up here to receive an email notice every time there’s a new Morning Light Meditations. If this podcast supports you spiritually, please consider fueling it with your financial support.  Any amount is appreciated.

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