Healing Family Wounds

Morning Light Meditations - A podcast by jenniferruthrussell - Saturdays

Wow, we've been experiencing an intense ride on the waves of Light, Easter, and the Full Moon in Libra.If you've noticed that unresolved relationships are pushing to the surface, do this meditation with Mother Mary.Our deepest core wounds show up in our family.  When you take the time to heal your own heart, your entire family will experience this healing, throughout all time.  That means in the visible or invisible. This is so important for our Ascension.It begins with one of my favorite Rumi poems that I've put into a song, lie down in that grass. (We even invite you to lay down for this meditation) “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field.  I’ll meet you there.  Lie down in that grass.”  Rumi If this podcast supports you, please keep it going by fueling it with your financial support.  Any amount is appreciated. https://Patreon.com/JenniferandMichael

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