COVID Prayer

Morning Light Meditations - A podcast by jenniferruthrussell - Saturdays

What is the optimum thing lightworkers can do to help stop the spread of Covid-19?  This meditation is Mother Mary’s response.  This virus is an elemental entity.  What does that mean?  It is simply doing its job of obeying the vibrational command that humanity has created. Mother Mary’s answer for us is to pray and to command complete annihilation of the spread of all contagion on the earth. This virus has no power over us. We can do this. Let’s use the co-creative power we have been given in an empowered prayer.* The music behind this meditation was created by Michael Gayle.  Listen to more of his music here. Listen to more Morning Light Meditations here. If this podcast supports you spiritually, please consider fueling it with your financial support.  Any amount is appreciated.   *Through the power invested in me as a Spirit Light I give thanks for this high technology of empowered prayer.  I give thanks that lightworkers everywhere are starting to realize their co-creative power to change things on earth. I AM One with All There IS!  I AM One with ALL the Power in the Universe!  I AM LOVE ITSELF!  My mind is the MIND of GOD.  I live in the body of PURE SPIRIT. I AM One with Mother Mary and the entire Company of Heaven.  I AM always the Victorious Presence of the Mighty I AM. I know this holy truth for all people on this planet. I speak this word through the divine authority of my three-fold flame.  I honor my voice as my power to create and I join the creative voice of all Lightworkers around the world to stop the spread of fear, anger, confusion, division, contagion, and separation known as COVID- 19. I AM the Immortal Power of the Angelic Host.  I AM the Cosmic Law of Their Victorious Action to the Earth.   I command the descent of the Angels Eternal Sacred Fire Love to flood the entire Earth and annihilate the spread of COVID - 19 in all of its forms.  I command that all human conditions that invite contagions into our atmosphere are transmuted now into only LOVE. I call on Beloved Micah, the Archangel of Unity to assist us in opening up our hearts to each other.  That we may love ourselves enough to extend our love to our human family in compassion, kindness and mercy.  That we are quick to forgive everyone and everything so that we can move beyond the lower energies of our old creative thought patterns. Beloved Presence I AM, I command that Saint Germain’s Freedom Flame, the Violet Ray becomes a daily tool for everyone on this planet.  That we will use the Violet Flame to transmute all discord, hatred, division, and anger into pure LOVE. I command Freedom.  I command that All of Life, especially the elementals within the frenzied madness of the Corona Virus be set free NOW.  That every elemental is returned to the constructive activity of the Light. I demand it so. Beloved Archangel Michael and the Angelic Host permanently protect this word and activity of Life and keep it sustained invincible, always protected with the prevention flame I give thanks that it is done.  And so it IS.  In God’s most Holy Name I AM.  

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