5D Causal Chakra - My Chamber of Peace

Morning Light Meditations - A podcast by jenniferruthrussell - Saturdays

Your Causal Chakra is a transcendent chakra. It’s your chamber of peace, your personal moon. It is active during the Full and New Moons. Archangel Christiel is a Universal Archangel and carries pure Christ Light This meditation will give you deep peace. Archangel Christiel opens a Silver-White Ray Unicorn pathway from the Stargate Lyra. My Chamber of Peace is the original song by Jennifer to seal this initiation in your auric field. For the full experience get the replay to this incredible Sanctuary experience. This meditation is a mini version of October 9th, 2022 Sanctuary, Jennifer’s monthly live sacred healing light mediation. This hour-long gathering gives us time to do a deep dive into learning, healing, singing, light language, and meditation. Find the replay here.  https://angelsofabundanceascensionacademy.com/sanctuary/

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