Take Control and Dream Big by Designing Your Life

Moonshots Podcast: Superstar mindsets and success habits - A podcast by Mike Parsons & Mark Pearson Freeland


"Designing your life" intentionally uses design thinking principles to create a fulfilling and meaningful life. The idea is to approach life as a design problem and use the same tools and techniques designers use to create products or services to create a life well-suited to your goals, interests, and values.Become a member here:https://www.patreon.com/MoonshotsSome of the critical benefits of designing your life include the following:Clarifying your goals and values: By taking a deliberate approach to designing your life, you will gain a clearer understanding of what is important to you, what you want to achieve, and what you want your life to look like.Increasing creativity and innovation: Design thinking encourages experimentation and iteration, which can help you generate more creative and innovative ideas for your life.Improving decision-making: By taking a structured approach to decision-making, you can make more informed and effective choices that align with your goals and values.Enhancing resilience and adaptability: Design thinking emphasizes flexibility and adaptability, which can help you cope with unexpected challenges and setbacks in life.Creating a sense of purpose and fulfilment: By designing a life that aligns with your values and goals, you can develop a sense of purpose and satisfaction that can lead to greater happiness and well-being.RUNSHEETAuthor Dave Evans, whose book shows you how to create a meaningful, joyful, and fulfilling lifeDesign Thinking your life (2m07)Jim Rohn on how designing our lives starts by considering your habits todayAn undesigned life (57s)Simon Sinek on how our WHY is who you are at your natural bestFriends test (2m04)Aurelius Tjin talks about the practical value of making small improvements to our lives to make a positive difference, based on Robert Maurer’s The Spirit of KaizenOne percent better a day_PN (3m03)Jen Sincero and Michael Neimand (Network Marketing) call us out and tell us to stop worrying and start doingDisappointment is a short experience_PN (2m01)Joseph Murphy closes the episode with a call to action: own the life you want to liveWhatever You Give Attention To The Subconscious Magnifies_PN (3m47) Thanks to our monthly supporters Dick Edward Rehfeldt III 孤鸿 月影 Fabian Jasper Verkaart Margy Diana Bastianelli Andy Pilara ola Fred Fox Austin Hammatt Zachary Phillips Antonio Candia Mike Leigh Cooper Daniela Wedemeier Corey LaMonica Smitty Laura KE Denise findlay Krzysztof Diana Bastianelli Roar Nikolay Ytre-Eide Stef Roger von Holdt Jette Haswell Marco Silva venkata reddy Dirk Breitsameter Ingram Casey Nicoara Talpes rahul grover Evert van de Plassche Ravi Govender Craig Lindsay Steve Woollard Lasse Brurok Deborah Spahr Barbara Samoela Christian Jo Hatchard Kalman Cseh Berg De Bleecker Paul Acquaah MrBonjour Sid Liza Goetz Konnor Ah kuoi Marjan Modara Dietmar Baur Nils Weigelt Bob Nolley ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

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