(Episode 444) "Ratatouille" Actor: Lou Romano. (Alfredo Linguini).

Episode 444."Ratatouille"Actor and Artist: Lou Romano.This was Lou Romano's first podcast interview.  It was a fun interview filled with Disney, Pixar and movie making talk! Lou is a multi talented actor and artist who has a very impressive filmography.Lou Romano is an actor who has been in such iconic movies as Ratatouille (Linguini), Cars (Snot-Rod), The Incredibles (Bernie Kropp).Lou has also been part of the Art department in such classics as #up #theirongiant #dumbo #luca and many more. Lou's portrayal of Alfredo Linguini remains one of my all time favorites. Many consider Ratatouille to be one of the best animated movies ever made. Lou's rapport and friendship with Brad Bird has led to some pretty special storytelling.Welcome, Lou Romano.https://linktr.ee/mondaymorningcritic#ratatouille #theincredibles #cars #disney #pixar

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My name is Darek Thomas and I am the host of Monday Morning Critic Podcast. My podcast is a labor of love created out of my passion for my guests, their work and a variety of shows, movies and people that have changed my life. Welcome to Monday Morning Critic.www.mmcpodcast.com