How To Support Your Teen to Get a Positive Vision For Their Future, Interview with Deepali Vyas

Deepali Vee - yas is the founder and CEO of Fearless+. Fearless+ is a digital platform that Deepali describes as LinkedIn Meets TikTok meets MasterClass. I wish my kids would have had something like Fearless plus when they were in middle school and high school. Fearless plus is kind of like a virtual resume that motivates and inspires kids to share their stories, hobbies and experiences. It’s a place where they develop the skills they need to be successful as well as connecting...

Om Podcasten

The Moms of Tweens and Teens podcast offers encouragement, expert advice, and equips moms with a deeper understanding of the unique needs of their tween or teen and how to meet them where they’re at and support them to thrive. Sheryl Gould is the Founder of Moms of Tweens and Teens, a nationally recognized Parenting Educator, Speaker, and Author ​of “S​OS: The Technology Guidebook for Parents of Tweens and Teens, Get The Answers You Need, Keep Them Safe and Enjoy Your Kids Again”​ and the forthcoming book, “You're Not Crazy, You’re Not A Bad Parent, And No Your Adolescent Doesn’t Really Hate You.”