Fine Art Photography with fashion and commercial photographer Mattia Baldi
MODEL SECRETS - A podcast by Kim Alley and Katya Gribanova

Mattia Baldi born in 1983 in Rome, Italy is an Italian commercial and fashion photographer. After graduating with best marks in painting at the Academy of FineArts Mattia decided to focus on photography in 2004 obtaining a master degree in studio photography at the SRFC in Rome. Since then Mattia has worked for clients like ENI, Pepsi, AIA, Facebook, RDM, and in the last few years with WPP on the client Ford shooting many successful advertising campaigns both as photo-editor and as lead photographer. In 2019 Mattia started his own photography studio business working in Singapore, Shanghai, and Bangkok where he’s currently based. The book “Casting - a book about women” it’s the expression of feelings and hopes sum of years of working in the deep fabric of the media industry, Mattia is a represented artist of the TICC, Thai Italian Chamber of Commerce. Mattia's website Follow Mattia on Instagram