#148 - Could Fear Be Contributing To Your Persistent Pain

Ever been held back by the fear of injury, feeling like every move might make things worse? In today’s episode, we dive deep into this paralyzing fear and its ripple effects on our lives. It's not just about the physical pain; it's also about our mindset and the tales we've been told about pain as we age. With the weight of past experiences and outdated medical advice, these anxieties can feel overwhelming. We'll uncover fresh perspectives on pain, explore the power of the mind-body connection, and reveal strategies to overcome this cycle. As touched upon in today's episode, tackling the fear intertwined with back pain is paramount. For a gentle approach that specifically addresses this fear and helps guide you back to exercise, consider exploring www.spineinitiative.com. Get Your Free Guide To Understanding Chronic Back Pain Here: https://linktr.ee/mobilitytutor   Follow Mobility Tutor on Instagram, TikTok & YouTube. Music by Dean Kenny

Om Podcasten

The Rebalanced Podcast discusses health, achieving balance in your life & injury rehab: how our brain & body adapt to injuries, why we need to look past the outdated biomechanical perspective on the body, and what you can do to improve health & longevity of your body. We also discuss tools & tricks to improve performance, become more zen, live a fulfilled life all while reducing your risk of injuries. Robbie Cassidy holds a MSc. Physiotherapy & undergrad in Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy. His focus is around helping active people overcome long term & recurring injuries to return to the activities they enjoy. This podcast dives deep into the tactics & strategies you can use to continue doing what you love.