Why Be Realistic? | King Vader - Musical Artist, Content Creator, YouTuber

Misfit Pandemia - A podcast by Mackenzie Barmen and Anthony Irizarry


King Vader | Musical Artist, Content Creator, YouTuberhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_F3i4sHKon8CwRxvU-SNhAinstagram: @kingvaderKing Vader is a popular YouTuber, director and content creator “bridging the gap between hip-hop and anime”. He directs and stars in Netflix’s new miniseries, “Netflix Dreams,” the first episode releasing Tuesday, August 18th on Netflix’s YouTube channel. The series follows Vader as he falls asleep watching a Netflix show, and wakes up as one of the characters in the show. The first episode “The Trench Coat Academy” is a parody of “The Umbrella Academy”, which just returned for season 2. King Vader recently released “Matrix: Reborn,” a full-length parody of The Matrix Trilogy, following the success of his third Halloween short and his parody of Avengers: End Game, which premiered at the 2019 Los Angeles Comic Con. “End Game!” is the sequel to his first Marvel parody, which garnered more than 7 million views. Vader is best known to parody music videos that place many familiar characters from anime and superhero movies in dance-off scenarios, and his distinct Black rewriting of those characters. His account amounts to 86 million views and counting. Vader writes, directs, produces and edits all his own videos, and has a goal to be the “greatest director of [his] generation.Vader is heavy into fashion and is currently featured as one of Hot Topic’s social creators. He has a T-shirt collection available on their site.

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