Passion Draws People | Prince Sprauve - Filmmaker, Director
Misfit Pandemia - A podcast by Mackenzie Barmen and Anthony Irizarry

Prince Sprauve | Filmmaker - DirectorPrince Sprauve, Executive Director, is an independent film director and founder of Revolution Studios Inc. D/B/A Told By Us Productions (a not-for-profit since 2013). TBU is a youth centered program that fosters creative expression and is designed to be a safe haven for high school students. It was designed to be a place where at risk students come to express themselves in creative ways and escape negative influences.“Cradle” is the next project Told By Us will be undertaking, under the direction of Prince Sprauve. Following in the footsteps of “Fast Life,” Told By Us will once again offer a unique tool for captivating Schenectady’s youth; this time by exposing the current epidemic of teenage pregnancy in Schenectady. The aim is to surpass “Fast Life” as far as quality, magnitude and reach of influence.“Cradle” will reveal the intricate problems that surround teenage pregnancy through the unfolding of 5 different storylines. Sprauve’s students have interviewed actual teenage mothers to gain insight on the issue. One girl explained during an interview, “I got pregnant because my mother died and I was looking for someone to love me.” The result of this research in conjunction with the personal experiences of the students involved has laid the foundation for the storylines. In addition to having starring roles in the film, students will be offered the opportunity to showcase their original music on the accompanying soundtrack. The recording and editing of the soundtrack will take place simultaneously. In order tostreamline efficiency, Sprauve recruited Ryan Sanborn, a long time colleague, to facilitate the audio portion of the program. Currently, a half dozen students who have been designated as the projects “research team” are working with Sprauve to gather the necessary background material. In addition to performing a qualitative analysis of the interviews, students are reading relevant articles on teen pregnancy, meeting with knowledgeable professionals at Ellis Hospital to discuss local data on the subject and researching statistics and financial metrics to determine the impact the current trend hason Schenectady County. Cradle would not have been made possible without the parents, teachers, and the community who have pooled together to support our children. Most importantly, Sprauve believes that no matter how negative our story, we can reach out to others and help one another heal and this is only the beginning! To learn more about the upcoming Independent Film “Cradle,” visit, ourFacebook fan page “TBU Productions,” or you can contact Prince Sprauve at, [email protected].