38. Sketchbook series: The mental health benefits of keeping a sketchbook

Makings & Musings Podcast - A podcast by Makings & Musings


In this episode of our Sketchbook Series, I delve into the profound mental health benefits of maintaining a sketchbook. Drawing from personal experiences and observations, I share how the simple act of sketching has been a therapeutic outlet for me, aiding in processing emotions and reducing stress.You can find my Sketchbook Course here: https://www.makingsandmusings.com/online-courses/course-fill-your-first-sketchbook While I'm not a healthcare professional, numerous studies support the positive impact of creative activities on mental well-being. Here are five insightful studies highlighting these benefits:Art Therapy's Role in Mental Health: This study discusses how art therapy can improve concentration, boost self-esteem, and reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels.Link: https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/physician-health/art-mental-health-well-being-benefits-practicing-art-frankCreative Arts Therapies and Mental Health: Research indicates that engaging in creative arts therapies can enhance focus, assist with processing emotions, and improve overall mental health.Link: https://mcpress.mayoclinic.org/living-well/the-intersection-of-art-and-health-how-art-can-help-promote-well-beingThe Arts' Contribution to Mental Well-being: This article explores how participating in the arts enables individuals to manage various mental health conditions and psychological distress.Link: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/blogs/how-arts-can-help-improve-your-mental-healthArt Therapy's Effectiveness in Treating Trauma: A systematic review found that art therapy can be effective in treating traumatized adults, aiding in processing traumatic experiences and reducing related symptoms.Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK553778Creative Arts Enhancing Mental Health: An analysis of multiple studies found that art-based interventions significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, particularly in pregnant and postpartum women.Link: https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/creative-arts-enhancing-mental-healthFollow me for more creative inspiration:Instagram: @makingsandmusingsFacebook: Makings and MusingsWebsite: makingsandmusings.com

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