#006 Effortless Excellence

Mind Shift with Erwin & Aaron McManus - A podcast by Erwin McManus + Aaron McManus - Fridays


In episode 006 of the Mind Shift Podcast, we dive deep into the realm of genius and what it looks like to have effortless excellence. The magic of artistry and genius is not just to witness, but to fully absorb, becoming a part of one's very essence. Drawing inspiration from our recent trip to Copenhagen to visit the incredible “Nova” as well as Jeff Gordinier "Hungry" book, we underline the idea that true genius does not shy away from other genius. Instead, it embraces, transforms, and evolves from such encounters. The language of excellence isn't confined to mere words; it is seen in actions, emotions, and the tangible world. We explore the idea of individuals who exude such mastery in their fields that even amidst chaos, they appear to be gracefully floating. Pondering on the nature of beauty and how it transcends to become sacred, we dive deep into turning ordinary experiences into extraordinary ones. How can one take the mundane aspects of life, sprinkle it with imagination, and turn it into an inspiring tale not just for oneself, but for everyone around? Life is a frequency unique to every individual. By tapping into this frequency, we connect with others, discovering beauty in the simplest of things, like flowers on a mountain's edge. The ultimate message? Life is an adventure, enriched by the memories we create and share with people that truly matter to us. For a deeper dive into this perspective-changing conversation, be sure to check out my message “Epiphany: How to have Break Through Ideas” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vc5EVaNo3o

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