EPISODE 3 - Why it's okay to Want More and to be More with Business woman/life coach/make up artist Sam Regan

Females that Flourish The Podcast - A podcast by Amy Breslin


Sam Regan is the epitome of someone who believes she can have it all and wants to show others they can too! A mum of 2, wife, business owner, international make up artist (currently the make up artist on Ru Paul's drag race UK) Sam is a super inspiring woman, she has multiple businesses and we talk about money mindset and opinions of others and why this can hold so many people back. If you feel like you want to go out and create something  but are worried about the opinions of others or you don't know if you can do it all, listen to this episode as it certainly inspired me to cut the excuses and trust my own inner voice more.  If you want to follow some amazing make up tutorials then follow her instagram page: https://instagram.com/sam_theglambox?igshid=1firjw3mepxls