EPISODE 14- Change your state, change your life!

Females that Flourish The Podcast - A podcast by Amy Breslin


Do you believe that you are a powerful being? Do you believe that you can have everything you want in your life NOW! We become so externally focused on the lack of everything that we forget we have everything within us to create more and forget to focus on what it is we want! If you find yourself comparing, shaming yourself and others, feeling negative and having a lack mindset there are some simple steps to changing and shifting your state which will help you focus on the opportunities and abundance that is available to you at all times.   As an extra bonus I have created a powerful money magnet meditation for you to really get into the feeling of achieving what it is you want! To get your hands on this meditation, just take a screenshot of this episode and tag @amybreslin87 and @mindovermoneypodcast and I will send you the link. Enjoy!! Amy xx