Family History, Generational Trauma, and Race | Cassandra Lane | Episode 199

One way to connect with our teens and to give them a sense of stability is to share family history and stories. But what if some of that history is ugly? What if it's painful? Cassandra Lane tackled this in her book We Are Bridges where she tells the story of her grandfather’s lynching. She joins Mighty Parenting podcast host Sandy Fowler for a conversation on family, history, generational trauma and racism. Get inspiration for discussing your family history and talking to your teenager. Our Guest: Cassandra Lane  Detailed Show Notes and Support at episode 199

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Parenting teens and young adults in today's world presents huge challenges and the Mighty Parenting podcast provides solutions. Sandy Fowler interviews experts, shares stories and gets real as she digs into relevant topics such as stress/anxiety relief, bullying, social media, peer pressure, healthy coping strategies, learning disabilities, behavioral health issues, communication, parenting strategies, and so much more. Designed for families looking to raise happy, successful, emotionally-healthy kids, the show goes upstream and focuses on sharing information that families, educators and mentors can use to empower teenagers and twenty somethings in an effective way.