A Conversation About… Digital Well-Being and Young People’s Mental Health

Do you feel moral panic about the digital well-being of young people? Are you swamped by the effects of the ‘data deluge’? This digitally nutritious conversation will leave you with a sense of competence and control, ready to better support young people’s (and perhaps even your own) digital well-being. Listen in to this episode of A Conversation About Digital Well-being and Young People’s Mental Health as Dr. Lyn O’Grady, Community Psychologist, and Jocelyn Brewer, Psychologist explore the role technology plays in our lives and how we can support young people to use it in safe and savvy ways.  Jocelyn's professional journey, from teacher to psychologist and mother, gives her a unique perspective into the definition of digital well-being. She shares her insights on supporting young people’s well-being, including how to involve them in the conversation around their own digital well-being. Lyn and Jocelyn share how they have evolved professionally to work in this space supporting families, discussing how technology has changed across generations, and how to ‘get curious, not furious’, with young people in order to help them navigate and stay safe online. Liked this episode? Stay tuned for future episodes of A Conversation About by following MHPN Presents. Visit the MHPN website for episode host and guest bios, recommended resources and a self-directed CPD form. Share your comments, questions and feedback about A Conversation About Digital Well-being and Young People’s Mental Health or any of MHPN’s podcast series here: https://bit.ly/3d6nFea.

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Welcome to MHPN’s inaugural podcast which explores wellbeing and mental health. Listen to engaging conversations between mental health practitioners, as they reflect on a variety of topics related to mental wellbeing, interdisciplinary practice, and collaborative care. Subscribe to stay up to date.