Called to Become Saints

In 1928, St Josemaría discovered a calling to spread a revolutionary new message: that ordinary men and women can become saints by discovering occasions to love God in everyday life. The starting point for this lifelong journey is the realization that God makes us His own children through Christ and that He stays very close to us. The beauty and wonder we find in contemplating these truths lead us to share the message with everyone around us, so that many more can discover the extraordinary in their ordinary circumstances. A meditation by Father Javier Garcia. 

Om Podcasten

Like other forms of meditation, Christian meditation starts with mindfulness. Unlike them, it is essentially a dialogue with the "Love that moves the sun and the other stars" (Dante), and leads to a deeper friendship with Jesus Christ. In these recordings, Opus Dei priests reflect and pray out loud to stir hearts to this dialogue. A new meditation is released each week.