A New Year with Jesus and Mary

We are beginning a new year. At this time, the Church invites us to celebrate the solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. In the presence of God, and of Mary, we now look at how was our past year.  As I formulate my new year’s resolutions, there is one thing that only I can do, and nobody else can give it to God: my love for God.  This year, let me follow Mary’s example in loving God with all my heart. A meditation by Father Henry Bocala.

Om Podcasten

Like other forms of meditation, Christian meditation starts with mindfulness. Unlike them, it is essentially a dialogue with the "Love that moves the sun and the other stars" (Dante), and leads to a deeper friendship with Jesus Christ. In these recordings, Opus Dei priests reflect and pray out loud to stir hearts to this dialogue. A new meditation is released each week.