10 Minute Zen Guided Meditation ~ Present Moment Guided Meditation

Zen meditation is a simple yet peaceful way to start meditation for beginners as well as following a guided meditation for a short 10 minute break from reality. Visit JoinHelpingHand.com for 62 Ways to Reduce Stress and Lower Anxiety. Guided zen meditation is the perfect introduction to deep breathing and learning how to focus your mind.​ The word zen itself translates to mean "feeling peaceful and relaxed". This is exactly the feeling we're going after when we perform a zen meditation guided or alone. Many people prefer a zen meditation simply because the focus is more on deep breathing, relaxation and softening our bodies. Learning how to meditate can be a tough process but zen meditations can be an easy route in. Meditation, especially guided meditation can help us relax and forget about our troubles during difficult times. 10 minute zen meditations like this one are perfect for a regular practice as you can listen to them daily without needing to change up what you're following. They can be used on a regular basis and still be just as powerful in 10 years time as they are today. 10 minute guided meditations are all you need to help lower stress, reduce anxiety and provide your mind and body with a greater sense of calm and peace than at any other time in the day. Find a quiet space and take 10 minutes from your busy schedule for a short practice. Reducing stress is one of, if not the biggest factor in living a peaceful life. Especially in these unusual and unprecedented times, we can all do with lower stress for our minds and our bodies. Zen meditation, especially zen guided meditation is a way for us all to find some relief for a few minutes each day. Let's remind ourselves that we don't have to be experts, and that the goal of guided meditation isn't to beat our minds and bodies into submission but to let them flow into peace like a river on a calm day.

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Welcome to Meditation Mountain. Here we produce guided meditations to help you reduce stress, lower anxiety and improve sleep. Our unique guided meditations range from 10 minute to 20 minute meditations. We focus on mindfulness, visualizations and affirmations on a range of subjects such as meditations for stress, anxiety and depression. Meditation benefits are well documented but for those new to meditation we have multiple meditations for beginners including short guided meditations on positive energy, acceptance and forgiveness. Our goal here at Meditation Mountain is to make a positive difference in this world one step at a time. It's so easy to become overwhelmed, stressed, or feel lost. Our hopes are that you use these short guided meditations to help reduce your stress, relieve your anxiety and take a few minutes out of your day to meditate on how you are inside. Taking a moment for yourself to recharge through meditation and using it as a tool to strengthen your mind.