Tears and Joy in the Holy Land. Diary from Israel

We are always looking for miracles in our lives, seeking out extraordinary moments within our ordinary routines. Those aha moments that affect, inspire and transform who we are. I'd like to share with you some miracles I recently experienced. Life is filled with paradoxes. Joy, pain, tears, celebration... the roller coaster of the cycles and vicissitudes of life. Nowhere is this captured more than in the biblical Promised Land, the Holy Land of Israel. I have just returned from a trip there and I personally experienced - as so many others have I'm sure in their own way - these paradoxes; witnessing real miracles and joy while also seeing pain, tears and suffering. What can we learn from these moments? What lessons can we apply to our personal lives? The Holy Land, as Jacob called it in the Bible, is a gate to heaven; an interface between heaven and earth, a bridge between spirit and matter, that allows us all to experience deeper states of transcendence in our very material and physical world. There are thus many lessons that can be learned from the miracles and paradoxes manifest in the Promised Land of Israel. I, Rabbi Simon Jacobson, invite you to please join me in this special discussion as I take you through a journey of my personal diary from Israel.

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Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson, an embodiment of inclusive spirituality and wisdom, as he examines life & offers a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche. Discover how to live a truly happy and meaningful life by using your divine gifts and wisdom to reach your highest potential. Listeners beware: this program may create a paradigm shift as stereotypes are dispelled, vulnerabilities spill through and universal truths emerge. Visit The Meaningful Life Center, called a “Spiritual Starbucks” by the New York Times at www.meaningfullife.com for more.