How to Break Bad Habits and Build Good Ones

Meaningful Life Skills with Rabbi Simon Jacobson - A podcast by Rabbi Simon Jacobson - Thursdays

Do you have a habit that you find increasingly difficult to break? Or is there a good habit that you wish to incorporate into your daily routines but you can't seem to make it stick?Very often we resolve to stop a certain obsessive behavior - overeating, biting our nails, being attached to our phone etc., or to begin a new commitment - spending more time with family, going to the gym, starting a new project etc. Armed with determination and enthusiasm, we set out on our way with gusto and a positive mindset, ready to tackle the challenge. And yet, despite our good intentions, after a little while we tend to gravitate right back to our old ways, playing out past patterns, stuck in a groove -- which describes the very nature of a habit. It feels like the habit is wired into our very beings, seemingly impossible to break free from.Why indeed is it so difficult to break habits? Is there anything that we can do about it? And at the same time, how do we go about building good habits? Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for an important discussion that affects virtually every aspect of our lives. Are we creatures of habit? Are our lives predetermined? Can we truly change our habits and structures? Discover that you have two parts to you -- one that is indeed hard wired, making it difficult to break old habits. But we also have a side to us, our souls, which is in some ways indeterministic. And by accessing our souls we have the power to transcend our defined conventions and proclivities, helping us break bad habits while also building good ones and scaling new heights in actualizing our enormous potential.   

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