How Consciousness is Born: 6 Steps from the Quantum Supra-Conscious to the Conscious [Part 2]

Meaningful Life Skills with Rabbi Simon Jacobson - A podcast by Rabbi Simon Jacobson - Thursdays

Do you ever wonder where consciousness comes from? It’s quite obvious that our conscious thoughts, feelings and experiences are just the outer tip of the iceberg. But what lies behind the curtain of our perception? Can we access it? Understanding the supra-conscious and how it impacts our lives is not simply an academic, psychological or even philosophical discussion. It affects all our activities and encounters, which are the surface expression of these subliminal forces within. So understanding how consciousness is born and its earliest roots, can help us revisit the source — the engine room of supra-consciousness — to perhaps charge and rewire our underlying neurons, to fire on new cylinders. Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this revolutionary series as he deciphers a 16th century kabbalistic text in the Pardes of the great mystic, R’ Moshe Kordevoro, describing the metamorphosis from the quantum supra-conscious to the conscious. In part 1 of this series, we took a journey through the six steps of this fascinating process — from the very conception of consciousness in their undefined, nebulous states, traveling along as these states take form and become more crystallized, ultimately evolving into the defined state of consciousness that we are aware of. But what about our experiences — our traumas and joys, from the youngest age — embedded in our psyche, which impact our fears, joys, attractions and repulsions? How do we contend with these toxins that pollute the supra-conscious? In part 2 of this series Rabbi Jacobson discusses how our pure, pre-birth supra-conscious can empower us to dispel the demons that haunt us.

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