Photography Goals and Predictions for 2019

Master Photography - A podcast by Master Photography Team

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Follow Up on 2018 and New Goals for 2018

Let’s start off the episode with the goals.  First, we have to do a little accountability for last year, and to start things off we get to bring in a voice you haven’t heard in a long while – Mr. Jim Harmer!  Jim set for himself four goals for 2018.

Jim’s Goals For 2018

No New Photography Gear: Jim wanted to go through the entire 2018 year without buying any still photography gear.

I checked in with Jim to ask how he did.  He didn’t buy a single still photography item all year!  He did buy a video camera and lens for doing YouTube videos, but he didn’t buy any still cameras.  I didn’t think he would make it even half way through the year.

Branch Out:  Jim wanted to focus more on other types of photography over landscape.  He wanted to branch out into things like time-lapse and miniatures.

Jim did indeed spend some time on some other forms of photography.  He went down and shot with Felix Hernandez of and made a video training course on how to shoot miniatures.

Shoot Maine:  In manually reviewing the photos and spots people were tagging in his Really Good Photo Spots app, he saw a flood of them come in from Maine and it made him want to go and shoot there.

I checked with Jim on this too, he didn’t make it out to Maine to shoot.  He really wishes he could have but never made it out there.

More Focus on Income School: Jim’s last goal was to spend more time with his Income School business where he teaches people how to create and successfully monetize blogs.

This is a goal Jim absolutely met.  In fact, he decided after putting more time in here that after a decade of blogging and podcasting about photography he was going to switch to having Income School be his primary focus.  He was so kind to let the other hosts of what was then the Improve Photography podcast take over the podcast network.

We love Jim.  It has been a while since he has come on the show.  I invited him to join this episode but he was spending time with his family so we will see if we can get him on a different episode really soon.

Brent’s Goals From 2018

My goals for 2018 were mostly met. I wanted to go somewhere awesome. I thought I might make it to NE India, but that fell through. So I went to Hong Kong instead.

I wanted to reduce my overload at my day job and that has largely happened. I no longer am solely responsible for our school’s only Macintosh Lab on campus, but I’m training someone in for that. So light is there at the end of the tunnel!

I wanted to get out more, and I’ve been able to accomplish that a bit, but not enough. I need to get out more and shoot more. 2019 is looking promising.

Connor’s Goals From 2018

Connor, did you have any goals?

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