MagBox and Disturbing Fair Use

Master Photography - A podcast by Master Photography Team

Jeff hosts with Erica and Brent joining him at the roundtable to talk about the new softbox product line from MagMod called the MagBox and a very disturbing court ruling of fair use for a photo that was not properly licensed.

Resources Mentioned
MagBox on Kickstarter:
PetaPixel Fair Use:
FStoppers Fair Use:
Photo Taco - Retreat 2017 Top Ten:
Master Photography Roundtable - $60K Stolen Photo Settlement (Copyright discussion):

Topic 1: MagMod Softbox

MagMod puts a huge emphasis on ease of use, accomplishing that ease of use with magnets.
MagMod softbox system is made up of 3 components.  

MagBox features:
-MagMod is claiming their 24” softbox is the brightest softbox ever created because it doesn’t leak light due to a patent pending technology they have developed they call the FocusDiffuser.
-Another feature I haven’t seen offered much with softboxes is a place to put gels.

MagRing features
-The MagRing is all about making attaching a flash quick and easy.

-This is MagMod’s take on the cold shoe adapter you can adjust with one hand

This stuff looks and sounds pretty awesome.  

Erica, is this something you are interested in?
Yes! Ease of use of the Magmod system, cohesiveness with all of my current Magmod gear, and support of the Magmod company in general makes this a no-brainer for me.

Brent, what about you? More interested in the MagShoe than the other pieces.

Jeff: I would LOVE to get two of each thing here. I am leaning towards pulling the trigger and backing the project for one.

Topic 2: Disturbing Fair Use

It had been cropped but they had clearly taken the photo from his Flickr site and used it without permission or attribution.

The case went to court and after hearing the arguments the judge ruled in favor of the company saying their use of the photo was fair use.  The judge ruled fair use based on a few criteria:
-The photo was being used in a non-commercial way
-The photo was used in good faith because it wasn’t clear the photo was protected by copyright and restricted and the company took the photo down as soon as they were asked.
-The photo was cropped pretty significantly
-There wasn’t any evidence that the use of the photo harmed the photographer

-Jeff: Fotodiox F60 Quick-Collapse Flash Softbox ($50)
-Erica: #MagMod Community FB Group
-Brent: Canson Infinity Paper Baryta Photographique($75)

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