India and the Attitude of Learning

Conscious Paths - A podcast by Manish Vyas

Learning music, and many other forms of arts in India is quite a different experience and requires a whole different approach and mindset than in the western learning path. I used to travel from Pune to Mumbai for hours in the slow and crowded trains to take my music lessons regularly, just because i knew the value of my teacher. And I would just get the direct attention of the teacher for about ten minutes each class... and I was very happy with that ! In six years, maybe the teacher told me two times, "good Manish!" and that was also perfectly fine. Nothing else was expected.  There were no expectations of any kind... just absorbing as much as possible the learning, under the proper guidance.In India a lot is learnt by just being in the atmosphere of the Guru, the music Guru in this case. And it's not even a thought to give a certificate, as what is important is the understanding, not to hang a paper on the wall.Another drawback in the process of learning that I have noticed in the west, is that everyone (adults) is in a hurry to perform or to share what they've learned publicly. This hinders the learning. One should not be in a hurry to start teaching. Let it be your truth before, otherwise it will be shared un-riped, hindering also the learning process of others. One important point frequently misunderstood, is that one should not be in the idea of "helping others"  - help yourself, grow yourself, focus on yourself, until you master yourself. Help can only happen when something is mature and integrated inside.Through inspirational stories and anecdotes this subject is addressed and explained for all of those who come from other cultures and would be interested in learning traditions from India. Knowing how this learning approach works, can help to take the right decision, whether this is a path for one to undertake or not.PODCAST link in website: 

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