I'm Taking My Mask Off

MANIFEST THIS with Ashley Wood

episode 134

I am so grateful for the past few weeks, Mercury Retrograde, and all of the blessings it brought to me. I received guidance during my November 1st Marma Treatment to work with a Shaman, Blue Thunderbird Woman, who we’ve been working with since the summer, to call in my Power Animal. The ceremony took place on November 20th and I left with the medicine of a Power Animal and Two Spirit Names, most of which I’m still processing. I know though, that everything I’m given must be shared. I’m a conduit for messages and I honour this with highest respect and integrity. And so today, I’m sharing the story with you, so you too can receive from this experience.

Topics Discussed

  • the Power Animal ceremony I was invited to

  • the Sacred Union of You and I

  • the two Spirit Names I was given at one time and why

  • why the Eagle keeps working with me

  • the medicine I received from this and how I’m delivering it to you

  • past lives, soul journey, ancestry line and how they’re connected

  • owning my choices

  • the changes I’m making, finding alignment in winter and running back to myself


Show Notes