Sex and Expectations - Top 5 on marriage advice number 3
Man vs Marriage - A podcast by Quincy Moran - Mondays

Welcome back to another episode of Man vs Marriage the podcast! This weeks topic is what we like to call "SEXPECTATIONS" which is PVITOL in our top 5 on marriage advice series!In this episode we talk about the question "who decides when we have sex"? These episodes were a couple of the MOST explosive episodes of 2023 (HEY! Get your mind out of the gutter ha!) We talk about the silent rejections and disappointments one or both of you may feel and give you practical tips on how resolve some of these difficult questions. As always we are using our journey as your classroom, In the episode we discuss 2 additional resources that we would love to share!ONE EXTRORDINARY MARRIAGE We love the work Tony and Alisia do with ONE check them out below! YOUR MARRIAGE ONDan and his podcast are an excellent resource for you and your spouse! Finally, we invite you to email us [email protected] RATE AND REVIEW THE SHOW! Get our brand! QUINCYMORAN.COM/APPAREL