Emotional Freedom - Why do you do what you do? Man vs Marriage

Man vs Marriage - A podcast by Quincy Moran - Mondays


Welcome back to another episode of Man vs Marriage! In this episode we cover a CRITICAL component to emotional freedom that will impact your relationship. This impact will induce some significant return on the investment. Ever sit back and listen to your own thoughts? When its calm, when you are excited, when you are upset what are the thoughts going through your mind (AND YES I know emotions related to the said experience haha!)? TO clarify when something goes well do you catch yourself reserving joy in expectation that something will go wrong and take the joy away? When something goes wrong do you find yourself saying "I knew this would happen" or "Here we go again" or "This always happens to me"? If you know the answer I have another question for you; "DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR"?IF the story that plays in your mind is tainted with disappointment, self doubt, insecurity, or blame, You need freedom! I know this because I was this. The great news is, YOU are in the right place. Now, let's get down to business!email: [email protected] to get in touch! Check out our youtube! We are NEW on youtube and excited to grow the platform within the YT community!https://www.youtube.com/@manvsmarriagepodcast3348/videos#marriage #marriageandrelationship #relationship101 #marriageandrelationshipcounseling #marriagehelp #marriagebootcamp #love #couples #faith #Relationship #Relationships #Problem #Problems #Cognitive #CognitivePower #Opinion #Opinions #Trust #Marriage #Married #Truth #TruthTeller #Standard #Standards #Negotiate #Negotiating #Romance #Romantic

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