#62 - Authenticity, Creativity, Art, and Acid
Maja Malmcrona - A podcast by Maja Malmcrona

Cognitive enhancements, drugs, brain implants, authenticity, idea generation, creativity, definitions, art, fraudulence, Neuralink and Elon Musk, struggle, books, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, biceps (and other moulded flabs), acid, artistic masterpieces, experience, George Leonard’s ‘Mastery’, goals, chi, and collective bullshit. Maja Malmcrona (@majamalmcrona) is an artist from Sweden. Adam Nicholson is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom). Recorded on May 25, 2022. Maja Malmcronahttp://majamalmcrona.comhttp://instagram.com/majamalmcrona Adam Nicholsonhttps://twitter.com/G_JuliusGeezerhttps://publickopinions.wordpress.com/