#59 - Free Will, Anxiety, Trauma, and Passivity
Maja Malmcrona - A podcast by Maja Malmcrona

Stress, resistance, Zen philosophy, pursuing a goal versus accepting what happens, free will, Alex Garland’s ‘Devs’, agency, anxiety management, mass shootings, the butterfly effect, consciousness, exposure therapy, exceeding one’s comfort zone, the need for control, yoga and meditation, claustrophobia, self confidence, entrepreneurship, going with the flow, types of passivity, Bessel van der Kolk’s ‘The Body Keeps the Score’, trauma, and meditation exercises. Maja Malmcrona (@majamalmcrona) is an artist from Sweden. Emma Eglinton (@emmasyogalab) is a British/American yoga teacher. They both live in Zürich, Switzerland. Recorded in Zürich on May 20, 2022. Maja Malmcronahttp://majamalmcrona.comhttp://instagram.com/majamalmcrona Emma Eglintonhttps://www.emmasyoga.chhttps://www.instagram.com/emmasyogalab ReferencesDevsThe Body Keeps the Score