Ep.123 - Vanessa Onwuemezi (transcript available)
Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts

David Turner is in Walthamstow, east London talking to Vanessa Onwuemezi. The pair discuss how Vanessa came to be pursuing a life in writing and how she judges the quality of her writing. This episode includes a short tribute to friend and poet Mishi 'Dulwich Hamlet' Morath who sadly passed away before Christmas. Download a full transcript of this conversation here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2020/01/ep123-vanessa-onwuemezi-transcript.pdf For more about Vanessa: https://twitter.com/onwuemezi http://www.thewhitereview.org/fiction/at-the-heart-of-things/ http://mironline.org/swim-by-vanessa-onwuemezi/ Buy my book Contained, £10 for the book, £4 for the PDF, here: https://www.blurb.co.uk/b/9771405-contained Info about Contained book launches: London, 8th February - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/contained-london-launch-tickets-87610614707 Cardiff, 15th February - Flute and Tankard Pub, free entry. Bristol, 14th March -https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/contained-bristol-launch-tickets-85104699447 More about Mishi Morath: https://soundcloud.com/lunar-poetry-podcasts/mishi-morath https://soundcloud.com/lunar-poetry-podcasts/national-poetry-day-2016 https://soundcloud.com/lunar-poetry-podcasts/christmas-2015 http://footballpoets.org/poets/dulwich-poet/ For more from us: lunarpoetrypodcasts.com/ www.facebook.com/LunarPoetryPodcasts/ twitter.com/Silent_Tongue Order 'Why Poetry?': The Lunar Poetry Podcasts Anthology here: vervepoetrypress.com/product/why-poetry/ Episode music is an original composition by Snazzy Rat. You can find more from Snazzy here: snazzyrat.bandcamp.com/ www.facebook.com/snazzyrat/