Ep.113 - Leo Boix; Amaan Hyder (transcript available)
Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts

This episode is in two parts - Part one: David Turner is in London talking to bilingual poet, Leo Boix. The pair chat about translating poetry from one language to another, the different processes at play when Leo writes in either English or Spanish, why Leo doesn’t translate his own writing and the positive influences various writing collectives have had on his own writing and Invisible Presence - a developmental platform for British Latino writers. Leo reads three poems: (00:02:24) - The Somnambulist (00:27:04) - Rìo Nuevo (00:52:45) - Peregrination Some links relating to this episode: Leo on Twitter - https://twitter.com/leoboix Invisible Presence - https://leonardoboix.wixsite.com/invisiblepresence The Complete Works - https://thecompleteworkspoetry.com/ Ten: Poets of the new generation - http://www.bloodaxebooks.com/ecs/product/ten-poets-of-the-new-generation-1164 Episode 86 of LPP - https://soundcloud.com/lunar-poetry-podcasts/carlos-maurizio-rojas-nadia-drews-agnes-torok Part two (00:53:40): Poet Chrissy Williams talks to Amaan Hyder about his debut collection At Hajj (Penned in the Margins). This interview is an extension of an ongoing project in which Chrissy has been inviting a number of poets to reflect on their debut collections, roughly a year after publication. Amaan reads two poem: (00:55:12) - Coats (01:12:21) - Mohammed's Mobile Links relating to this episode: Chrissy's blog -https://chrissywilliams.blogspot.co.uk/p/hullo.html Chrissy on Twitter -https://twitter.com/chrissywilliams Amaan' collection, At Hajj - http://www.pennedinthemargins.co.uk/index.php/2017/04/at-hajj/ Download a full transcript of this episode here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/ep113-leo-boix.pdf Episode music is an original composition by Snazzy Rat. You can find more from Snazzy here: https://snazzyrat.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/snazzyrat/