Ep. 88 - Hannah Silva; Nick Makoha; John Hegley (transcript available)
Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts
This episode is in three parts: Part One - David Turner is in Haggerston, London to talk to Hannah Silva about her solo show Schlock! which runs until 26/11/2016. The pair discuss the writing of Kathy Acker, the novel Fifty Shades of Grey and accessibility in theatres. www.hannahsilva.co.uk www.twitter.com/HannahSilvaUK www.rosemarybranchtheatre.co.uk Part Two (27:14) - David Turner is in Lambeth, south London chatting to poet Nick Makoha about professionalism, Nick's own development as a writer and poetry's place in society. www.nickmakoha.com www.twitter.com/NickMakoha www.fathersuperhero.com www.twitter.com/FatherSuperhero www.peepaltreepress.com www.twitter.com/peepaltreepress Part Three (56:16)- David Turner talks to comedian, musician and poet, John Hegley. Songs, poems, biscuits and coffee..... www.johnhegley.co.uk www.twitter.com/JohnHegley Download a transcript of this episode here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/ep88-hannah-silva-nick-makoha-john-hegley-transcript.pdf