Ep. 63 - Wana Udobang (transcript available)

Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts


Download a transcript of this conversation here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/ep63-wana-udobang-transcript.pdf March 2016. Michelle Madsen is in Freedom Park in Lagos, Nigeria talking to Wana Udobang. Wana tells Michelle how depression originally led her to start writing poetry. The pair discuss the enforced silence that Wana feels hangs over Nigerian women and how that may be changing. Wana reads two poems: (00:05:39) - 'This is how you break a broken flower' (00:16:31) - 'Tales from the dark planet' www.twitter.com/Silent_Tongue www.twitter.com/mishmadsen www.wanawana.net www.twitter.com/MissWanaWana

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