Ep. 36 - James Mckay (transcript available)
Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts

June 2015. A transcript of this conversation is available to download here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/interview-james-mckay-lpp-transcript-ep-36.pdf David Turner talks to James McKay live at spoken word night, Silence Found a Tongue. James talks about how he began reading poetry to audiences for the first time and how it has led, twenty years later, to his latest solo show The Boy With The Moomin Tattoo. James performed the show over various dates beginning 10/8/2015 at Electric Circus Lizard Lounge at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. James reads five poems: 'In The Beginning' - 00:00:27 'Experience Not Essential' - 00:02:22 'Faggot Hexameters' - 00:08:15 'In The Neolithic Age' by Rudyard Kipling - 00:20:57 'We Are All Grand Babies' - 00:23:48 www.twitter.com/Silent_Tongue www.mckaypoetry.wordpress.com