Ep. 35 - Inzync Poetry Collective (transcript avavilable)
Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts
June 2015. Download a transcript of this conversation here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/ep35-inzync-poetry-collective-transcript.pdf Peter Odendaal and Adrian van Wyk, members of Stellenbosch-based poetry collective Inzync, talk to Michelle Madsen about the township where the collective is based, the fragmented poetry scene across South Africa and its varying regions and languages, the political nature of much South African poetry, and their own work and aims for the future. Peter and Adrian each read two poems: P.O: 'Untitled' - 00:05:43 A.vW: 'Untitled' - 00:08:46 P.O: ‘Reaching Shore’ - 00:18:08 A.vW: 'Untitled' - 00:25:02 www.twitter.com/Silent_Tongue www.slipnet.co.za www.twitter.com/InZyncPoetry